2019 Annual Report



Cara Adelante A.C. has completed our first year as an association committed to the development of young women’s high school education in Pátzcuaro.

The activities included in the program are aimed at the development of teenagers, providing scholarships for high school students to complete preparatoria, and finding sponsors for these students to attend tech school or university. Cara Adelante provides housing, food, education, clothing, psychological support, health, nutrition, tutoring and academic counseling, factors that determine the student success during their stay in the program.

Activities and accomplishments from our first year:

Education guidance and support

Our Director Laura Huerta and Education Specialist Carolina Piñon analyze the specific needs of each student. They work with the teachers and tutors to support their education and psychological needs. They have accomplished this by supervising each student’s academic progress, through constant communication with teachers and directors of the schools, recording progress in accordance with the expectations of the scholarship program.


  • Our senior student successfully completed her high school degree and is now attending a two year technical school in Tzurumutaro
  • Our additional three students advanced successfully to their next level
  • Two new students were added to our program after successful completion of secundaria.


This after school activity each afternoon, provides the students a place to do their homework and gives Edmundo, our tutor, the ability to identify the subjects in which each student requires assistance. He reinforces what has been learned in class and supports the school curriculum.


  • This structure has reinforced not only subject matter, they have also learned new study and test taking skills
  • The first quartile grades of the 2019-2020 school year have increased significantly for each student

English Classes

Studying another language will offer each of our young women better opportunities and another advantage consistent with the demands of today’s labor market. We employ an English teacher who designs tools and learning methods for the students, one afternoon per week.


  • All of the students are reported to be progressing at a faster pace than last year
  • Two of our students received a grade of 9.4 and 10 in English in their first quartile grades this school year

Health and Nutrition

A nutritional counseling program is implemented where the young women are assisted with planning the weekly menu according to the appropriate portions and the nutritional requirements of each one, with the goal of establishing healthy eating habits. They do their budgeting, shopping, and preparation together, developing independent living skills.

In addition, they all attended 3 workshops with Mujeres Aliadas AC, where they received education and guidance related to their sexual health. Mujeres also supports us with ongoing checkups. If a student requires psychotherapeutic support we have provider services, an important part of the emotional and intellectual balance.


  • The workshops in Erongaricuaro allowed the students to interact with others in their age group, and it was reported our group was engaged, interested, and asked good questions.


The week prior to starting classes, workshops were held with the objective to promote harmonious coexistence and social skills among the students. The workshops included decision making, developing an efficient life plan, and integrated our 2 new students into the house for this school year.


  • We have already observed that this work done in August has increased their commitment and study behaviors.

Vocational orientation

We are introducing these young women to successful women in our community to broaden their vision, discover career alternatives, and provide more information to make wise decisions about their professional future.


  • Over the last year, we have had women who are in the arts, business owners, attorneys, and teachers in Pátzcuaro come to speak. We meet in a small group either at the business or in our space. The experience is interactive and they can ask questions.
  • We are always sourcing for referrals of successful Mexican women that we can contact to participate.

Home visits

Home visits are made to the families or guardians of the students, for socioeconomic study and regular reporting visits, where they are given a detailed account of the academic and behavioral state of their participant.


  • Laura and Caro have developed strong relationships with the parents and guardians.
  • The families have made a commitment to Cara Adelante in addition to the student commitment, so the relationships developed support our program.


A suitable house was rented and furnished for independent living by the girls. A separate office with attached classroom was also rented and outfitted, including computers, office equipment, and TV for instructional videos. All girls have been provided with their own laptops.


Several fundraisers have been held and local and US donors secured.

Board meetings

Weekly Board meetings are held in our conference room that keep the BOD informed of the progress of the students, plan follow-up strategies and implement new guidelines or procedures, which will guide the scholarship program based on the stated objectives.


  • Non-profit status as Cara Adelante, AC is complete. Application to provide tax-deduction certificates for Mexican-sourced donations submitted to Hacienda.
  • Website caraadelante.org developed with link to PayPal for donations
  • Accounting system set up and an accountant has been contracted
  • Laura and Caro enrolled in IMSS and benefits and taxes are being paid
  • A Bancomer account is set up and accepting donations
  • Policies and Procedures, Job Descriptions, Parent and Student Contracts have all been created
  • We are close to having a conduit to make US tax deductible donations